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We empower visionaries to
lead meaningful brands.

Our Directive

Whiteboard is a creative agency devoted to for-purpose ventures. We combine creative forces with systematic activists—Ideas require implementation and our multi-disciplined network fosters a wide array of abilities that empower visionaries and entrepreneurs to lead meaningful brands.

In 1896, American architect Louis Sullivan coined the phrase “form follows function." Decades later, famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright revised Sullivan’s law. Wright said, “Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a sacred union.” Sullivan and Wright followed this rule of design when it came to the architecture of multi-story buildings and factories; Whiteboard does it with heartbeats.

At Whiteboard, we aim to inspire color in the margins through action, story, conversation, and love. We are simple in our love, conflicted in our thoughts, and intentional in our actions.

Don’t stand or raise a fist in defiance, simply walk into your world and be yourself. Let the dreams within you flood the streets of our cities. There is no time, no moment—there is a here and now and that is all you need.

Breaking routine for liberty of the unknown, we exchange consumer mentality for action steps. Never escaping the lessons of the present, we connect the dots of the future, the world twenty-four hours away. Always valuing sustainable growth versus instant solutions, fast-food societies never produce real value.

We are scared to death and this motivates us, because the world we live in is not yet what it ought to be.

We turn audiences into activists while utilizing the art of story to bridge generations. Through human-centric design we create change, inspiring shared experiences that impact communities. Whiteboard exists to partner with dreams that inspire others to advance the good in all things.

Every individual and organization has their own unique story to tell; sometimes they just need help expressing it.

Creativity & organizational storytelling
is at the heart of everything we do.

Our Disciplines


We excavate brand purpose through treatments in mission, vision, and core values.


We use human-centric design to highlight meaningful aspects of participation through creative media, web, and social platforms.


We develop on-going campaigns that invigorate momentum, social connections, and real-world action.


  • Brand Architecture
  • Storyboarding
  • Identity Design
  • Connection Planning
  • Web Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Platform Development
  • Art Direction
  • Copywriting
  • Print Collateral
  • Photography
  • Film Direction
  • Campaign Strategy
  • Market Analysis

Whiteboards are symbols of dreams that could be but not yet are.
A blank canvas with endless possibilities. They are a constant
reminder that plans can be made, erased, and tried again.

Whiteboards believe in tomorrow and the responsibility to act is
in our hands.

Our Pathway

Our pathway has been shaped by the understanding that form and function are a sacred union. Every individual and organization has their own unique story to tell; sometimes they just need help expressing it. We believe ideas are the new cultural currency and the key to our adaptability is in our process. Our clients are partners and there's a real sense of community in every project we work on.


  1. Brand Discovery & Storyboarding

    Uncovering Brand Purpose to Develop Creative Expressions.

    The first step in our pathway is sitting down and learning about you. We’ll assess your heartbeat, current situation, target audience, present strategies, and organizational praxis. Our team will excavate historical landmarks in the organization and re-contextualize brand purpose to reach today’s societal needs. History illustrates that the art of story bridges generations, spurs new audiences, and creates opportunities to alter reality.

    Our desire is to spend time with your team, understand the culture you’re leading, sketch ideas and through a series of planning sessions work through your current presentation and create a story blueprint that serves as a guide for short and long-term brand execution.


  2. Brand Platform & Connection Planning

    Defining Shared Experience.

    Using what we learned during our time with your team, we’ll use the story blueprint as guide. Creative expressions are formalized into art and our teams will work together to define shared experience, a union between brand purpose and human connection. By highlighting meaningful aspects of participation to an audience member we’ll navigate your goals into a narrative that is measurable. The sketches, structure, strategy, and dream are brought to life, tested, and put in motion. The execution of these ideas are placed in the hands of those carrying the idea forward.


  3. Brand Praxis & Expansion

    Evaluating the Present to Engage Future Expectations

    Distinct from other creative firms it is our intention to work with organizations and people we believe in—as they believe in us.

    We’ve learned organizational growth is widely determined by teams. Our desire is to be an asset to your team for the long-term by engaging new cultural trends and technologies with defined plans for your organization.

The best things in life seem to always come from appreciating what naturally evolves. Whiteboard is fueled by the chemistry of a small team of different brains.

In 2009, Eric Brown and Taylor Jones convened a dynamic group of creatives to form the Whiteboard family. We aim to work with organizations who have a conscience and inspire others to advance the good in all things.

Our Storytellers

Eric Brown
Taylor Jones
Jonathan Cutrell
UX/UI Design
Lauren Ritchie
Client Experience
Katie Brown
Ross Hagan
Taylor Dolan

Who We Work With

Enlightened Entrepreneurs

For More-Than-Profit

Businesses with a conscience, a notion that doing right is better than the bottom line. We believe in the marketplace and stewarding a new economy that makes it a point to give back to our communities and the world.

Heroes & Heroines

We Love Do-Gooders

Social responsibility and justice are at the core of who we are. There is nothing more rewarding than coming alongside organizations and individuals who are in the trenches, fighting everyday to alter humanity for the better.

Faith Communities

Movements of Faith, Hope, & Love

A fellowship of people that goes beyond the walls of any building, denomination, or meeting place. It’s a movement of believers who have found new standards for how to treat one another, serve another, and even forgive one another that run counter to the world in the name of Jesus.

See Our Work →

In a society that largely defines where you live based on where you get a job, our approach to living was quite the contrary.

Chattanooga, Tennessee has become widely known for its twenty-year revitalization, growing from one of the worst cities in the United States to one of the best. Chattanooga has been spotlighted for its growth and culture in media outlets such as: GOOD, New York Times, Outside, Next American City, and National Geographic—Chattanooga was selected as one of the world’s seven most intelligent communities. We believe in this city, and we are proud to call it home.