about us

At the start of possible.

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Serving Orphans Worldwide (formerly Children of the World Ministries) fills in the gap between unrealized potential and continued success for orphanages all over the world, empowering them to achieve sustainability and excellence. Currently, Serving Orphan Worldwide supports over 5,000 orphans in over 20 countries. Their goal is to help sustain 500 orphanages all over the world.


Dr. John Gregory, Richard Baker, and the Serving Orphans Worldwide team commissioned Whiteboard to establish a new brand, web presence, and strategy for their organization.


Through a series of meetings our team collaborated with team member and humanitarian photographer, Mia Baker to present a holistic reflection of Serving Orphans Worldwide on the Internet. Using high-impact photography our team developed can identity and custom iconography to compliment Serving Orphan Worldwide's brand objectives. Whiteboard continues working alongside Serving Orphans Worldwide on short and long-term strategies.


As sales were on a steady rise, Southtree needed a more efficient way to process and manage their orders. They called upon Whiteboard developer Ben Fleet to implement a new, less time-consuming process.


The primary hang-up with Southtree's order processing system was the requirement of repetitive manual input and switching of pages in the company's backend management panel. In order to streamline the process, we implemented a barcode scanning system which allowed receiving, labeling, and shipping to be done much quicker than before. Barcodes that correspond with the customer's order number were generated and placed on shipping labels, packing slips, and other convenient locations, enabling them to be scanned and properly handled by the advanced, custom application we developed.

We're proud to make this simple.

We all need love.

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A documentary about a young man, Rocky Braat, and the work he is doing with AIDS orphans in Chennai, India. We have been inspired by Rocky, and only wish to create a conduit through which others can also be inspired. Rocky is no one special. He’d tell you that, himself. His e-mails are full of misspellings and typos. But he has given his life to the love of others. We are creating this documentary to tell his story; the story of an ordinary man who is trying to live a life in which love is the only value. A story that takes us from a life destined for middle-American success to an impoverished orphanage and all the while repeats the idea that love is not a part time job. That love can do just as much good here as it can in India.

Whiteboard partnered with Blood Brother and built a one-page web platform that showcases the trailer and allows viewers to share it with their friends. We built a responsive platform that scales depending on a users screen and device.

Ending the teenage suicide epidemic.

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Since 1993, Dean Sikes has spoken at over one thousand nine hundred events, in nine nations of the world, with audiences that exceed 1.3 million people. In 2012, Dean Sikes launched the You Matter campaign - an initiative that intends to reach 20 million people.

Video produced by Matsuno Media.


Dean Sikes approached Whiteboard about building a brand and web platform that would encompass the campaign's message and present the movement at large.


Whiteboard built a web and mobile platform that is completely interactive. Utilizing Facebook, online visitors can sign the "I Matter" Pledge and add their profile picture alongside thousands of other participants.

The Work of Myles Matsuno

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Matsuno Media was founded in 2008 to create inspiring films for audiences worldwide. Founded by Myles Matsuno, Matsuno Media has since developed a team through competing in film festivals, which has gained recognition for their storytelling.


We built a responsive platform that features a video background and showcases the work of Matsuno Media.

A metropolitan church in Atlanta, GA

Multiplying Impact, 100 Fold

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Acts100 is a Christ-centered charitable organization that is committed to having a powerful impact on non-profit, faith-based organizations in local communities by annually awarding high powered grants in the areas of family, education, social ministries, women’s ministries, sports, and media.


In 2012, Acts100 Board of Directors met with Whiteboard to discuss the future of their charitable organization. Our team was instructed to develop an innovative web platform that could scale as the organization moves toward a nationwide vision.

The Champions of Word of Mouth Marketing

Embrace & Restore

We're building 1,500 homes in Southeastern Cambodia.

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The Build A City campaign is a concentrated effort to break the poverty cycle in Andong, Kondong Kaw, Cambodia--a displaced village home to more than 6,000 people. With support of the Cambodian government and a dedicated non-profit, People For Care & Learning, the Build A City campaign is an indigenous effort emphasizing education and economy. Currently, Build A City is raising funds to build 1,500 homes for the people in Andong Village.

Video produced by Between Pixels.

In October 2011, People For Care & Learning commissioned Between Pixels and Whiteboard to collaborate on the Build A City campaign. We traveled to Cambodia for a ten-day excursion to begin building the campaign framework.


Whiteboard commissioned Robbie de Villiers to conceptualize and illustrate an identity for the campaign. Our team designed a high-impact web platform using HTML5 elements such as a video background that is focused on the film about the project and provides simple pathways for participants to give and raise awareness. We continue to work with People For Care & Learning on campaign strategies and other collateral.

Catalyst 2012: A powerful gathering of young leaders.

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"Catalyst is a powerful gathering of young leaders, a movement of influencers and world changers who love Jesus, see things differently, and feel a burden for our generation. We seek to learn, worship, and create together with a momentous energy passionately pursuing God. We are Catalysts... Kingdom ambassadors, change agents, influencers, and cultural architects seeking to change churches, communities, and cultures for good."

A project in partnership with Matchstic: A brand identity house.


Matchstic created artwork for an innovative homepage for Catalyst 2012 - "Make."

We were asked to bring the design to life across multiple platforms and create an interactive way for users to participate in the "Make" theme. And so we did.


This site utilizes horizontal scrolling, video backgrounds, fixed navigation, and other HTML5-rich elements. Catalyst asked us to brainstorm ways for users to contribute to the "Make" theme, so we suggested creating an interactive drawing tool that allows users to "make" something of their own and share it with the world.

HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery-flavored JavaScript were used extensively; some light PHP was used for simple content management.

72,000 Signatures in 72 Days.

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There are more slaves today than any other time in human history. Partnered with Passion Conferences, 72 Days For Freedom exists to bring awareness and propagate the signing of a petition to fight modern slavery.


The art for was already designed; we were tasked to bring the artwork to life.


The site itself relies on a horizontal scrolling method enacted by either traditional scrolling or clicking elements on the page. HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery-flavored JavaScript were all used extensively; some light PHP was used for simple content management.

"What are thoughts without action?"

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Three Thoughts On was created by a band of friends as an effort to present enjoyable, meaningful content in the form of thoughts. Whether through innovation, adventure, entertainment, or altruism, we highlight individuals striving to make the most of the world around them.


Birthed as a brainchild of Ross Hagan - Whiteboard and Southtree founders were tasked to design and implement a brand and web platform for


Through collaborative efforts, we decided to implement a grid-based platform that centers upon the personalities and topics discussed. The user experiences easily-accessed content with simple ways to share meaningful content with friends. Content is published in the form of issues, with seven featured thinkers appearing bi-weekly.


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Passion is an annual conference that draws thousands of college students together for the Kingdom of God. Year after year, the Passion team pushes production and technology to help communicate to a large audience in a more excellent way. In January 2012, 42,000 college students gathered at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia.


Passion commissioned Whiteboard to build an interactive platform to manage a web stage for the live stream and creative an immersive online experience for viewers.


We used the Bitgravity platform for streaming and media security. We also utilized a highly customized version of Wordpress to allow the Passion Livestream team to change the availability states of the streamed or recorded videos.

The site itself was an immersive experience offering a live feed pulling from Twitter with over 20 key terms, as well as a contact form for technical problems and a live messaging system to push messages from the tech team to the users during their streaming process. We utilized Amazon EC2 clusters to handle the server load, which at times reached 15 thousand concurrent streaming connections. The Whiteboard team was on-site for much of the conference to field technical problems and ensure stability and the smooth operation of the platform during the event. During the gathering a beautiful moment transpired when #HowGreatIsOurGod became the #1 worldwide trending topic on Twitter.

Could the great commission really be
fulfilled in our generation?

Identity, Web Design, Platform Development, Strategy
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There are more than 2.3 billion Christians, more than 5 million churches, more than 43,000 denominations, and more than 12 million Christian workers across the globe. With all these resources amassed, why is the task of reaching the entire world still unfinished? The Issachar Initiative exists to serve the body of Christ by empowering vision and focus so its resources are strategically directed toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission.


In September of 2010, Paul Saber, Dr. Paul Eshleman (Founder of the JESUS Film and Past Chairman of the Strategy Working Committee for Lausanne), Canadian businessman Terry Mochar, and Pat Murdock began to meet and discuss the need for such an organization, and this is how Issachar came into being. Executive Director Pat Murdock appointed Whiteboard to illustrate an identity that would reflect core values of the Issachar Initiative, build a web platform that would emphasize awareness elements of the Great Commission, and allow users to join the movement through social mediums and opportunities.


Robbie de Villiers worked with our team to conceptualize the identity for the Issachar Initiative. We built a high-impact platform that allows people to engage the mission, current statistics, and a video that gives the vision for the Issachar Initiative. The platform is geared towards distributing weekly resources and information about upcoming Summits. Our team continues to work alongside the Issachar Initiative on web strategies and other projects.

Giving the poor a working chance.

Web Design, Web Development, Story Engineering, Collateral
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People for Care & Learning (PCL) is a non-profit 501(C)3 founded in 2002 as a humanitarian organization providing care and learning opportunities around the world. PCL is dedicated to serving the poor by helping children, widows and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by giving the poor a working chance.


Dr. Fred Garmon commissioned Whiteboard to lead efforts for the next creative presentation of People For Care & Learning. The project included an identity treatment, brand architecture, collateral, web design, and development.


Our team began piecing together the brand presentation for People For Care & Learning after traveling to Cambodia in October 2011. We utilized a presentation that would impact different types of users by offering a variety of initiatives both locally and globally with three different panels outlined on the homepage of the website. We bridged the gap between generations by using high-impact imagery and result-centered information. Our team continues working hands-on with People For Care & Learning.

A Globally Engaged Christ-Centered College

Web Design, Web Development, Strategy, Collateral
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Founded in 1907, Toccoa Falls College is a Christ-centered educational institution that prepares men and women for vocational and professional occupations. The college is located in the foothills of the northeast Georgia mountains.


When Toccoa Falls College approached Whiteboard about a possible shift in brand presentation, our team was overwhelmed with the tight-knit community that is Toccoa Falls College. The Institution desired for a web presence that would encompass the beauty of the surrounding area and culture of the community. The main goal was that the website would encompass clear opportunities for prospective students, current students, and the alumni of Toccoa Falls College.


We used high-impact imagery to capture the beauty and culture of Toccoa Falls College. The centerpiece of the campus is a 186 foot waterfall (six feet higher than Niagara) that we decided to plug-in as an HTML5 video on the homepage. Once launched, the website gained more unique visits in one day then it had the previous twelve months. Also, by enveloping a holistic strategy for social media implementation, Toccoa Falls College continues to gain traction through consistent content output.

Making Great Music

Web Design, Web Development, Strategy, Collateral
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Regenerate Music Company is a community of creatives who want to make the world a better place by inventing new ways to create and distribute music. They do this through artist development, music production and recording, live booking and events, distribution, and social action.


President Chris Garmon approached Whiteboard on a search for assistance in developing content, web layout, and strategy for their online platform and brand. Regenerate is quickly gaining traction as a respected voice in the music industry. The company also houses First Street Studio in Cleveland, Tennessee and Glow In The Dark Studios located in Atlanta, Georgia. Whiteboard has committed to a long-term partnership with Regenerate Music Company on internal culture, web design, and brand strategy.


Our endeavors began with the layout for Regenerate Music Company. By using high-impact imagery and the wordsmith skills of the Alderman Group, the platform holds a sophisticated layout that displays mission, current artists, and services provided by Regenerate Music Company.

Logo Design by Jordan W. Lee
Also Visit Glow In The Dark Studios

A Christ-Centered Liberal Arts Campus

Web Design, Experience Design, Art Direction, Strategy
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Lee University is a private, comprehensive university located in Cleveland, Tennessee, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Lee is emerging as a leader in higher education in the southeastern region and was ranked in 2010 in the “Top Tier” in the South by U.S. News & World Report (Comprehensive Medium-Size Universities). Lee is also ranked by Princeton Review’s “Best Colleges” and is now one of the 141 colleges named Best in the Southeast. The university’s growing reputation as a quality institution can be seen in the high caliber of faculty, students, and friends who are drawn to the campus.


Lee University issued a request for proposal to alumni design and web firms. Whiteboard was selected to lead web design and user experience.


Our vision for the Lee University website was to allow the campus and community to speak for itself through high-impact imagery while keeping in mind a wide demographic that would be utilizing the website. We created a website that is very clean and relies on usability as it’s core strength. The design is driven towards user pathways that include current students, prospective students, and an extensive alumni network. Through strategy, web, promotional and collateral material, we have and continue to serve Lee University.

An Official Short Film of Festival De Cannes 2011

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Under The Sun was originally made for the 48 Hour Film Project. Featuring over 300 teams from all over the world we began the project. From conception to completion the film had to be completed 48 hours. Led by award-winning director, Myles Matsuno – Whiteboard partnered with the project. Eric Brown wrote the script for the project.

The film concentrates on young women reflects upon a painting she had just completed of her childhood dog. The painting triggers a strong relationship between the two and demonstrates how the comfort of the past can help current struggles. The film became an Official Cannes Film Selection in 2011 and has been featured in multiple screenings throughout Los Angeles, California.

An Outlet of Hope for the Bipolar Community

Identity, Web Design, Platform Development, Collateral, Strategy
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2POLARITIES is the response of a special education teacher who was diagnosed with manic bipolar disorder at 57 years old after struggling his whole life with something he could not articulate. His life changed in one moment, but through encounters with people all over the world who are living with and have been impacted by bipolar disorder — he decided to create an outlet of hope with a collective voice that raises awareness through real stories and people.

Video produced by Matsuno Media.


Building something from scratch is not easy. Whiteboard was tasked to produce a new awareness campaign and platform that engages audiences impacted by bipolar disorder.


The identity utilizes two typefaces merged together symbolizing the nature of bipolar disorder. The background of the website was donated to us by Richard Mohler. Dependent upon Web 2.0 strategies – Whiteboard continues to work alongside the 2POLARITIES team in serving as a voice to those impacted by bipolar illness.

A faith community in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Web Design, Platform Development
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Led by Pastor Mike Atkins, River Crossing is a faith-based community in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.


When River Crossing approached Whiteboard, they were seeking an refreshed look that would feature upcoming events, sermons, and integrate social media platforms. Also, River Crossing is located in one of the most beautiful places in the world – Jackson Hole, Wyoming.


Utilizing high-impact imagery this site is driven by the beautiful setting that River Crossing is in. The site displays dozens of pictures and with every click the user experiences the culture that River Crossing is placed in.